Creíais que nos habíamos olvidado esta semana de nuestra canción para listening? Pues no. Os presentamos una canción muy muy especial. En esta ocasión se trata de Waves del grupo Blondfire.

Para que aprendamos a variar nuestra forma de abrir el oído dependiendo de los diferentes acentos, en esta ocasión se trata de un grupo norteamericano, concretamente de Los Ángeles.

Se trata de un tema muy melódico, que difícilmente desagradará a quien lo escuche. Actual y relativamente fácil d entender. Nuestro consejo es que la escuches dos o tres veces antes de leer las letras, que como ya sabes ponemos debajo del vídeo.

Waves es una canción romántica, que habla de los vaivenes de los estados de ánimo.

Esperamos sinceramente que os guste.




You hear them when you try to fall asleep
They crash to the shore, they come from the deep
As sure as the sun will rise, the sun will set
You taste the salt the closer you get
Picking you up
Pushing you down
They're always around
Just like dream
Silver and green
We live in between
They can carry you all the way to me
They can pull you out to the deep blue sea
Oh waves, there are waves
Empires will crumble to the sand
All that you love can slip through your hand
But you must face the ocean once again
Follow the tides, wherever you've been
Picking you up
Pushing you down
They're always around
Just like dream
Silver and green
We live in between
They can carry you all the way to me
They can pull you out to the deep blue sea
Oh waves, there are waves
Picking you up
Pushing you down
They're always around
Just like dream
Silver and green
We live in between
They can carry you all the way to me
They can pull you out to the deep blue sea
Oh waves, there are waves